Current Service Opportunities at Salem
- Sign up to help as a Worship Service Greeter.
- Sign up to advance slides for worship and run our live-streamed services.
- Sign up to help with Easter for Kids
Ongoing Service Opportunities
Prayer Requests
Salem has a Prayer Group that will bring your needs and joys to God in prayer. Make your prayer requests known to this group by contacting the church office. Anyone interested in participating in the Prayer Group should also contact the church office. You can also email your prayer requests to Pastor Ryan Wolfe.
Ushers, Greeters, and Vestrymen
Worship helpers are needed for every service at Salem. Ushers have responsibility for preparing the chapel for worship. They also hand out bulletins and other materials, take the offering, and provide for an orderly dismissal. If communion is served, they assist in an orderly distribution. Other tasks may be assigned by the Pastor. Greeters meet worshippers as they enter the sanctuary. This is a good opportunity for newer members to meet others. The greeters encourage visitors to sign the guest register and answer questions. The ushers also greet the worshippers with a friendly smile as they enter.
Sunday JAM Teachers and Assistants
Salem offers biblical education every Sunday morning from 9:15-10:15 a.m. If your spiritual gift is teaching, this opportunity is for you. Teachers must be prepared to lead each class. The church equips the teachers and class with colorful curriculum materials. Teachers are expected to prepare for the class in advance. The assistants should also be familiar with the class material and must be ready to teach the class when an emergency comes up.
Youth Leaders
The youth of Salem need energetic adults to meet with them. The goal of the youth group is to broaden the relationship between each young person and the Lord. Youth leaders must be good examples of Christian living and have a sense of adventure. A number of leaders with a variety of interests will help Salem’s youth grow and develop.
Vacation Bible School
Salem offers a Vacation Bible School during the month of June. This is a special outreach to the community and an opportunity to tell children about Jesus. For some of these youth, this maybe the only time they will get to hear the wonderful news of the gospel. Consider giving of your time and talents to assist with VBS.
The Outreach Committee welcomes you to assist with some of its many tasks. We need people who can make phone calls, send out mailings, and bring the Good News to our community. If you are interested in any of these tasks or would like to attend a meeting with the committee to learn more about its work, contact the church office.
Property maintenance
From light cleaning to snow removal, there is always a need for help around the building and grounds. Contact the church office if you can commit to assisting with this work.