Hot Lunch

November Lunch Menu

November Lunch Menu Don’t forget to keep your lunch account funded if your child needs a cold lunch, snack milk, or extra milk. Milk is charged at .50 each. One free milk is included with each hot lunch ordered. Thank you! […]

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October Lunch Menu

October Lunch Menu Don’t forget to keep your lunch account funded if your child needs a cold lunch, snack milk, or extra milk. Milk is charged at .50 each. One free milk is included with each hot lunch ordered. Thank you! […]

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May/June Lunch Menu

Here is the May Lunch Menu for the 2022-2023 school year. Thank you to all who have supported our school lunch program throughout the year and to Ms. Wall and her helpers for all the wonderful lunches! Many of you have monthly TADS withdrawals to help fund your lunch accounts. For those of you that […]

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April Lunch Menu

Here is the April Lunch Menu Please make sure your lunch account is funded before ordering lunch. Contact the School Office for more information on funding your lunch account through TADS. Cash or checks made out to Salem Food Service are welcome also. […]

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