Exciting things are happening here starting Monday, Oct. 21 – 25 (don’t forget there is no school tomorrow and Friday)! Our students will have the opportunity to shine their lights and help Valley Outreach, a local non-profit that provides food, clothing, and support for people who need help. Please bring as many items as you […]
Tomorrow! No Bus – Caps for Kids Day
There is NO BUS service tomorrow. Please make sure your kids have transportation to and from school. Caps for Kids Day at Salem is also tomorrow. Wear a cap and bring a donation for Caps for Kids. […]
Audition Invitation for 3rd-8th Grade
Salem Parents of 3rd -8th Grade, St. Croix Lutheran Academy is planning auditions for “The Music Man” by Meredith Willson. Students in grades 3-8 are invited to audition. Come to an info meeting on Monday, October 21, at 7:30 pm, in the SCLA choir room. Stop in the school office for more information. The musical’s […]
Photo Orders and WLC Concert
Wondering about ordering photos from Picture Day? Your child’s photos should be sent out to you early next week. Inter-State, the company that took the photos, gave an update that they are completing their processing and you should be able to order soon! Watch your emails next week for more information. Looking for a fun, […]
K-8 Aftercare Pickup Today
If you are using aftercare for your K-8 child today, please use the upper church parking lot (by the basketball hoop) to pick up your child. The aftercare kids will be outside on the playground to accommodate a funeral luncheon in the fellowship hall. Please park up by the playground and pick up your child […]