Here are some lunch items to help start the new school year! Please note the delicious new menu items that will be added this year. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lynn Jay, our awesome cook ( Breakfast Menu and Lunch News New Menu Items! August Lunch Menu September Lunch Menu […]
Salem Sports News
It is that time of the year again to sign up for fall sports! A few things to note for our fall sports this year: First, the sports we offer are as follows, 4-8 Girls Volleyball, 4-8 COED Cross Country, and 3-8 COED Disc Golf. We are not going to be offering Soccer again this […]
Count Down to the Start of the School Year!
Next week we have Welcome Back Meet and Greet on Monday, August 14, 8 am-12 pm and Tuesday, August 15, 3 pm-7 pm. If you haven’t signed up to meet with your child’s teacher, please do so now! If those times don’t work for you, contact your child’s teacher for an alternative time. Click Here […]
Transportation News for 2023-2024
Hello Salem Parents, Have you registered for busing? If you need busing for your child this year and haven’t registered yet, please do so now! We have heard that the busing assignments should be sent to you by the end of next week. Busing begins on August 28th. Make sure you have your own […]
Meet the Teacher August 14 and 15
Orientation for school families takes place on Meet the Teacher Days. The first Meet the Teacher day is Monday, August 14th from 8 am-12 pm and the second is Tuesday, August 15th from 3 pm-7 pm. Families can drop off their children’s school supplies, so they are ready to go for the first day of […]