Hello Salem Family, THANK YOU so much for the outpouring of support during Teacher Appreciation Week. We are truly blessed by all of you, and we are so thankful that you are part of our family. We want to say a specific thank you to Meg Bicek for organizing the faculty lunch and everything else […]
Preschool Play, Middle School Play and Graduation Service News
Here are some important things to note and make sure are on your calendar! Tonight -Preschool Play The Preschool will present “Neighborhood Helpers” at 6:00 pm tonight in our gym. This is a delightful musical about the helpful people in our community. We hope to see you there! May 21 – Middle School Play Our […]
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Salem Olympic Day Needs You!
We are planning another fun day with all our student teams on Wednesday, May 22 from 9:15 am – 12:45 pm. Our teams will compete for fun in the following events: Ball Throw/Shot Put, Run/Walk, Kickball Distance, Jumping Rope, Standing Long Jump, Zig Zag/ Potato Run, and Bean Bag Toss We need adult volunteers! Parents […]
Preschool to Perform “Neighborhood Helpers”
This Thursday, Salem Preschool will perform “Neighborhood Helpers” at 6:00 pm. Please mark your calendar and come enjoy a fun musical about the helpful people in our community. Hope to see you there! […]
May Lunch Menu
Here is the last menu for the 2023-2024 school year. Thank you, Mrs. Jay, for a great year of breakfasts and lunches!! May Lunch Menu […]