Parent Portal

Registration Fees 2025-2026

Dear 2025-2026 School Families,

Blackbaud is the tuition management company we will be using for the 2025-2026 school year. We currently use this company for tuition assistance applications and hope you will also find this to be a great payment portal to help you manage tuition and fees for your family.

Blackbaud will be sending information to you in the next few days regarding payment of next year’s registration fees as well as setting up your tuition payment plan for next year. Please read the attached document from Blackbaud to prepare for the information they will be emailing you. Please note when you enroll in Blackbaud and make payment of the registration fee, enter a discount code of Salemk8 to receive the discounted registration fee of $100 for preschool and $175 for K-8.

Please contact the school office ( or Mr. Klatt ( if you have any questions.

Enrollment Instructions