Enrollment for 2025-2026
Please share the wonderful blessing of Christian education at Salem with others and have them sign up on our website for a tour. Our current school families are re-enrolling for the 2025-2026 school year. Registration fees increased to $175 for preschool and $275 for K-8 as of March 1. If you have not reenrolled yet, please do so now! We plan to use Blackbaud for financial aid and tuition payments in the coming year. This should help streamline our financial process for the office and benefit our families, too. If you have not received an enrollment email from Blackbaud yet, please contact the school office.
Before and After Care and Lunch Charges
We ask that you check your Gradelink account monthly and pay any outstanding BASC and lunch fees. We appreciate you keeping your account current. As we reach the end of the school year, it is especially important to avoid a large balance at the end of the year. Thank you!
Mrs. Hansen Accepts Call
Mrs. Hansen has accepted the call to teach at Risen Savior Academy in Lakewood Ranch, Florida. She and her family will move to Florida this summer. She thanks everyone for their prayers during this difficult decision. We ask God to bless her as she continues her teaching ministry in Florida. We will miss her many years of teaching experience at our school, and we pray she and her family will have a smooth transition to their new home!
Mr. and Mrs. Stob Returned Calls
The Stobs returned the call to teach at St. Paul Lutheran School in Wonewoc, WI. They thank you for your prayers and encouragement as they deliberated this call. We are so happy to have them continue their ministries here at Salem, and we pray that the Lord blesses St. Paul Lutheran with workers to fill its open positions.
Plans for Classrooms Next Year
With Mrs. Hansen taking her call to Florida, we will not be replacing her position. Instead, the plan as of now is to combine 3rd and 4th grade into one class for the 25-26 school year. We are hoping that we continue to have large Kindergarten classes and will split them back into single classrooms for the 26-27 school year. If you have concerns or would like to talk about what this plan looks like, you can contact Mr. Klatt or come to the Open School Board Meeting on April 8th in the church sanctuary.
April 10 Preschool and Kindergarten Play
On April 10th at 6:00 pm, our preschool and kindergarten students will perform “American Symbols”. You will love this celebration of America in song and recitation. Bring your family and friends and come enjoy this wonderful patriotic presentation that our children are working so hard to prepare for you!
April 12 Easter for Kids
Salem’s Easter Family Event is April 12th from 10 a.m. to noon and is meant for the whole family to come and enjoy together. The morning will include crafts, songs, stories, and of course Easter Eggs! Be filled with the true meaning of Easter and share in the joy we have because He Lives! Please register now using this link https://www.salemlutheran.org/easterforkids/
April 17 – 21 No School, Easter Break
School will not be in session Thursday, April 17 – Monday, April 21, for Easter weekend. Please join us for these worship services at Salem:
Thursday, April 17 – Holy Thursday Worship 6:30 pm
Friday, April 18 – Good Friday Worship @ 10:00 am & 6:30 pm\
Sunday, April 20 – Easter Dawn Worship 7:00 am, Easter Breakfast 8:00 am, Easter Festival Worship 9 & 10:45 am
Sports Update
Bowling will begin on March 25 for middle school-age students. Practices will be at Stillwater Bowl on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school until 5:15 pm Track and Field will start in mid-April. Practices will be at Salem until 5:00 pm, with a few being at SCLA until 6:00 pm.
Ross Collins and Jessie Wolfe are Bowling coaches this year. Track and Field will be coached by Tom Stob unless anyone expresses interest. Please email Tom Stob (tstob@salemlutheran.org) if you have questions..
Upcoming Events
- April 2 – Lenten Services 4:00 pm and 6:30 pm – meal served between
- April 10 – Kindergarten & Preschool Play 6:00 pm
- April 12 – Easter for Kids 10 a.m. – noon
- April 17 – 21 – No School, Easter Break (see worship service times above)
- April 22 – Salem Culvers Night – 5 – 7 pm
Referral Program
The school board approved a program that gave an incentive to recruit new families for our school. If a family that has children enrolled refers a new family to Salem, they will receive a $200 tuition credit at Christmas per family they have referred. A church family that refers a new family will receive a $200 script gift card at Christmas per family if they so choose. There is no limit to the number of families you can refer. If you have any more questions about the program, speak to a School Board member or Mr. Klatt.
Box Tops for Education
Sign up at https://www.boxtops4education.com or download the Box Tops for Education app on your phone.
Raise Right (formerly Shop With Scrip)
You can buy gift cards from your favorite brands to earn money for Salem on your daily purchases. Visit www.raiseright.com/enroll to set up an account today. Use enrollment code: 2241AD6C14415
We Are Also Collecting Aluminum Cans and Pop Tabs
Aluminum cans benefit our athletic program. They can be bagged up and placed in the wooden bin next to the garage facing Panama Ave. (I’m sorry this is hard to find. We have had cans stolen, so we keep them hidden.) We will continue to support the Ronald McDonald House by participating in the Pop Tab program. The cash received goes directly to support the Ronald McDonald House. Cans can also be dropped off in the bin at the entrance to the school.
One way we usually forget about how we can help our school and church is to pray for them throughout the year. Your prayers are always a blessing and it is great to know that you are asking God for his blessings in our school and church year.