Enrollment for 2025-2026
If you have not re-enrolled yet, please do so now! We need to start making plans for the new year and need to know our class sizes. We are also seeing new family enrollments come in and will start accepting those on February 1st. Registration fees will not be charged until mid-March when we have a new tuition system ready for us. We plan to use Blackbaud for both financial aid and tuition payments in the coming year. This should help streamline our financial process for the office and benefit our families too!
Another Reminder – Winter Weather Announcements
Just a reminder of how Salem will communicate when we close for inclement weather. The first place to look is the ClassDojo App. Mr. Klatt will make a school announcement, and your children’s teachers will also send you a ClassDojo that the school is closed. We will also put our closing on WCCO, FOX, Kare 11, and KSTP. Please check the TV closely as there is a Salem in Greenfield, on the opposite side of the cities. Look for Salem-Stillwater or Salem – Washington County. Mr. Klatt will try to decide whether to close school around 6 am or shortly thereafter. It will also be announced on the school website/parent portal at https://www.salemlutheran.org/news/ and emailed to your family.
Diaper Drive
In February the Caring Committee at Salem will be collecting diapers for Christian Life Ministries located in Little Canada. Our school will help and collect from our school families who are interested in helping this ministry as well. Please bring diapers (especially sizes 3-6) and unscented wipes and drop them off in the brown bin at the school entrance. Thanks for helping a great local ministry!
Mr. and Mrs. Dorn Received Calls
The Dorns received calls to teach at First Lutheran School/First Light Learning Center in La Crosse, WI. Mr. Dorn would teach 7th grade and Mrs. Dorn would teach 2 yr old PreK. They would appreciate your thoughts and prayers at this time of deliberation. May our Lord give them clarity on where best to serve him with the gifts they have been given!
Power Up Weeks
The week of February 3rd we will continue our Power Up Challenge by focusing on our food and how it affects our physical health. The week of February 10th we focus on how to stay mentally healthy.
Parent/Teacher Meetings
The third quarter has begun! If you would like a meeting to discuss your child’s progress and haven’t done so yet, please contact your child’s teacher as soon as possible. They will be happy to set up a time in the coming weeks in February that works best for you.
1st Semester Chapel Offerings
We collected $1,300.77 in our chapel offerings during the first semester of school for the WELS Apache Mission. We also collected $304.42 during that time for WELS Christian Aid and Relief. We are excited that our student body is helping other ministries with their donations to further God’s kingdom. Our second-semester chapel offerings will go toward a new mission church in Huntersville, NC.
Spirit Week at Salem
From Feb. 3-6, Salem will be having our annual Spirit Week. This is the week when students have dress-up days and different activities at various times. This all culminates in a Pep Rally where we celebrate Salem school spirit on Thursday at 2:30 pm. We welcome everyone who would like to attend. We are excited to have this again and for the students to show their Salem pride! Please watch for more information on how students will have fun participating with the dress-up day schedule.
February 7 – No School
Our teachers will have an in-service this day to evaluate Map testing. School is not in session on this day.
February 17 – No School
There will be no school on Monday, January 20 for Presidents Day.
February Reading Night and Bookfair
We have a family event on February 18, 5:30 – 6:30 pm. The books being read that night are targeted toward preschool through 6th-grade reading levels. Students and their families are invited to a night filled with snacks, storytime, storybook characters, and more! We will also be hosting a book fair which will run from February 15th – 26th. This book fair has books provided by “I:55 Where Faith Matters”. The bookfair can be found at the church entrance at these times:
Saturday evenings – before and after church
Sundays 9:00 am – 10:30 am, 11:30 am – 12:00 pm
Mon. – Fri. 8:30 am – 4:15 pm
Sports Update
Basketball season is still going strong into its last leg. The B-team is still winless, but they have been within two points in many of their last games. We are excited for them to play in the end-of-season tournament coming up at the beginning of February.
The A-Team continues to do well. They had a tough loss last Friday but took third at the Bethany tournament in Mankato. They are in the middle of the pack in the standings and their final tournament is the second weekend in February.
The cheerleaders are keeping the pep in our step. They performed their routine for us at the Parent’s Night game for Salem and cheer for all of the home games. They will be performing during the Pep Rally as well on February 6th.
March 6 – Education Night is Coming!
Mark your calendars! On March 6th, 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm, Salem will be having its annual Education Night. This night is a time when we focus on one of the subjects we teach at Salem and invite families into the school to projects and activities the students have done. This year the classrooms will have activities and projects focused on Fine Arts. This year our students will present art in each classroom and prepare a concert for the evening. You won’t want to miss this! Please plan to join us at this event.
Upcoming Events
- February 3 -6 – Spirit Week at Salem
- February 6 – Pep Rally 2:30 pm in school gym
- February 7-9 – League Tournament for A Team
- February 7 – No School, Teacher in-service
- February 14-16 – MLC Tournament for A Team
- February 15 – Bookfair begins through Feb. 26
- February 17 – No School, Presidents Day
- February 18 – Reading Night 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
- February 21 – 5-8 Ski Trip to Afton
- March 6 – Education Night 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Referral Program
The school board approved a program that gave an incentive to recruit new families for our school. If a family who has children enrolled refers a new family to Salem, they will receive a $200 tuition credit at Christmas per family they have referred. A church family who refers a new family will receive a $200 script gift card at Christmas per family if they so choose. There is no limit to the number of families you can refer. If you have any more questions about the program, speak to a School Board member or Mr. Klatt.
Box Tops for Education
Sign up at https://www.boxtops4education.com or download the Box Tops for Education app on your phone.
Raise Right (formerly Shop With Scrip)
You can buy gift cards from your favorite brands to earn money for Salem on your daily purchases. Visit www.raiseright.com/enroll to set up an account today. Use enrollment code: 2241AD6C14415
We Are Also Collecting Aluminum Cans and Pop Tabs
Aluminum cans benefit our athletic program and can be bagged up and placed in the wooden bin next to the garage facing Panama Ave (sorry this is hard to find – we have had cans stolen so we keep them hidden). We will continue to support The Ronald McDonald House by participating in the Pop Tab program. The cash received goes directly to support Ronald McDonald House. They can be dropped off in the bin at the entrance to the school.
One way we usually forget about how we can help our school and church is to pray for them throughout the year. Your prayers are always a blessing and it is great to know that you are asking God for his blessings in our school and church year.