Parent Portal

Weekly Reminder – Last Week Before Christmas

– The Preschool Christmas Program is this Wednesday, Dec. 18 at 4:00 pm. Please come to hear “His Name is Jesus” presented in our church sanctuary. This will again be followed by a meal for all who would like to stay to enjoy food and fellowship.

– Wednesday is the last day you can drop off a gift for the Minnesota Children’s Hospital. Please don’t bring any toys or checks later than that so we can deliver these gifts before Christmas.

– Friday is a half-day of school! Students should be picked up at noon since there is no busing or aftercare available that day. Please plan now to make transportation arrangements for your kids. The day will begin with a chapel service which is usually on Wednesday. Please bring your chapel offering on Friday instead of Wednesday. Our Christmas Break is from December 23 through January 3.

Blessings on the rest of your day!