Parent Portal

Advent Season Starts and Updates for the Week

I’m sure everyone had a busy long weekend, but I hope it was refreshing and filled with lots of good family time!

As we approach a busy December and the beginning of the Advent season it’s a good time for a list of reminders for the week:

– This Wednesday is the first Advent Service of the season at 4:00 pm in our church sanctuary. Our 4th – 8th grade students will be sharing their Advent message at this service. Please come enjoy this Advent service and stay for fellowship and a spaghetti dinner afterward. If 4th – 8th grade parents could please bring a pan of bars or plate of cookies to share that would be great!

– We have a change to our lunch menu for this Thursday. Since our lunchroom will be used for a church function we will be serving a bag lunch of either turkey and cheese or ham and cheese sandwiches to our students. Please plan for this change and thank you for your understanding.

– Have you filled out the school survey that Mr. Klatt sent last week? It is so important that we have as many of our families fill this out as possible to help us make some critical decisions for the next school year. Please do so now if you haven’t already done so and don’t forget you will be entered into a drawing that will be announced on December 4th. Thank you!

Here is the link for the survey:

– Parents that use before and/or aftercare should check their Gradelink billing account and make sure their BASC charges are paid through November.

– Parents that have kids in sports should check their Gradelink billing account and make sure all sports fees have been paid.

Blessings as we begin a busy month!