Parent Portal

Salem Wear and Grandparents Day Reminders

Our Salem Wear website is available for orders until Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 11 pm. Please order now for fall and to receive before Christmas (makes great gifts!).

Also –

Don’t forget to hand in your reply for the number of guests your family will have here for Grandparents Day on September 27th. Please contact the school office if you need another form sent home (school. office Your child can request a guest for the day if they do not have anyone coming. It makes our seniors at Salem very happy to enjoy the morning with your child and to see the classrooms in action. Don’t forget that the school day ends at noon.

Many of our 4th-8th grade parents have offered to help with volunteer needs for that day. However, we could use more help. Please sign up to volunteer the day before for set-up or the morning of. We could still use some parents in some open slots and also to make cleanup quick.

Sign up to help here: