Parent Portal


Yearbook Orders
We are taking preorders for the Salem 2022-2023 Yearbook! We sent an order form home with your child if you prefer to send cash or a check to the school office. One check for the whole family is fine if you are purchasing multiple yearbooks. They are $15 each.
Here is the link for online ordering:

The deadline for preorders is March 17. Yearbooks should arrive sometime in May.

Lenten Services
Our Lenten services will continue every Wednesday through March at 4:00 pm and 7:00 pm with a meal served between services. This week’s meal (March 8) is pork tenderloin. Please join us as we remember our Savior’s path to the cross every week before Easter.

Easter Sign Up
Children (and families) ages 3 years old to 6th grade are invited to celebrate all that Jesus did for us on Saturday of Easter weekend (April 8th) from 10am-noon. Easter for Kids is a little different from some of our other events. Instead of dropping kids off, we invite you to stay with your children to do crafts and songs, and stories together. You are invited to register at:

VBS Sign Up
Registration is now open for Vacation Bible School, held at Salem for preschool-age 3 and 4-year-olds (must be potty trained) through 6th grade. It will be held on June 12th – 16th, 8:30 am – 11:30 am. Please register each child separately here:

Many volunteers are needed for this fun event. Please sign up if you can help here:

Thank you and blessings on the rest of your day!